
our People

Michael Hudson

Michael Hudson

President & CEO / Managing Director

Professional geologist, explorationist and entrepreneur with over 30 years’ experience in exploration, project development and management in Australia and internationally.

Mr Hudson commenced his career underground for three years in Broken Hill in 1990 with Pasminco Ltd.  He has managed and developed exploration to pre-feasibility projects in Pakistan, Australia, Peru, Argentina, Mexico, Finland, Spain, Portugal and Sweden for major and junior mining companies. Hewas an integral team member for the discovery of the Portia gold deposit in the Olary district of South Australia, the Duddar Pb-Zn mine in Pakistan, the Norra Karr REE deposit in Sweden, the San Martin Cu-Ag discovery in Peru and the Rompas-Rajapalot gold-cobalt resource in Finland.

He is the founder and director of Mawson Gold Ltd (TSXV:MAW) and Hannan Metals Ltd (TSXV:HAN).

He is a Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and Member of both the Society for Economic Geologists and Australian Institute of Geoscientists.



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